A Day All About YOU!

"This retreat offers a sacred space to relax and create unforgettable and transformative moments as you step into a personal journey of what you need, right now, in the present moment. You will be supported, empowered, encouraged, and loved!"

All My Love ~ Karen

An Amazing Day and Magical Experience

Diettrich Farm in Salem, WI

11am - Farm Walk, Unwind, Pet Animals, Sit by Pond with Waterfall

Upon arrival, take this time to wash away the world and let nature draw you in. The Farm Walk experience is yours to shape—make it exactly what you need. With acres upon acres to explore, the farm offers a variety of experiences: animal interaction, quiet meditation, a pond with a waterfall, solo moments in nature, or shared togetherness.

The animals on-site include horses, chickens, and kittens along with turtles and bullfrogs in the pond, all eager to add to your experience of connection and calm.

12pm - Breathwork, Journal, Set an Intention, Gain Clarity, Manifest Your Dream Life

We will sit or lay down, be still, and relax, allowing our heart rate to drop as we enter a state of living fully in the present moment, where messages and guidance can flow to us. Unlike the hustle of our typical days, constantly running here and there, engaging with the present moment creates a transformational space. In this stillness, the ever-powerful 'AH-HA' moments emerge—often right under our noses, simply waiting for us to stop, slow down, and listen.

1pm - Archery - Focus, Aim, Exhale, Bullseye

Archery offers a range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. The excitement you feel when drawing back the bowstring, sensing the tension and power that will propel the arrow forward, it is so exhilarating. As you carefully line up your shot, holding your breath and gaining 100% focus, the experience becomes mind-altering. In that moment, it’s just you, the bow, the arrow, the target and your full determination to hit the target. It's a beautiful metaphor for life. You are completely present, fully harnessing the power of concentration, self-control, balance, and patience. You'll never forget the freeing sensation of releasing the arrow—it's an unforgettable moment.

2pm - Sound Bath Surrounded by Healing Horses, Chakra Balance with “I Am” Affirmations
Outdoors, either laying directly on the earth, on a yoga mat, or sitting in a chair, we will gather in a circular pattern around the beautiful sound bath instruments. The sound of the instruments will wash over you, providing a vibrational bath of harmonious tones that resonate through your body, offering a sound massage to cleanse your energy and promote deep relaxation. My crystal singing bowls are tuned to the frequencies of your chakras, and as they play, your chakras will be engaged and brought into balance. I will guide you through the location of each chakra, incorporating 'I Am' affirmations, allowing you to feel the deep connection and the powerful energy of the affirmation.

Horses are highly attuned to human emotions and have an innate ability to sense who may need a little extra comfort or love. I’ve experienced this firsthand, and it’s truly remarkable. During the sound bath, the horses will naturally assess the energy in the space and who may need some love. They will hold space, offer comfort, and be available for snuggles, creating a beautiful and calming presence.

3pm - Horseplay - Synchrony Ride, Hugging, Petting, and Snuggling
A horse’s resting heartbeat ranges from 28 to 44 beats per minute, while a human’s is typically 60 to 100. Being around horses offers a powerful combination of emotional, mental, and physical benefits, making it a unique experience for personal growth and well-being. The energy between humans and horses can sync in a way that may lower the human's heartbeat, a phenomenon often observed in equine-assisted therapy and other interactions. While this can also happen with dogs and cats, it is most pronounced and well-documented with horses due to their unique sensitivity and characteristics.

After the sound bath, the horses will continue to offer comfort and hold space for everyone, they will welcome any love, brushing, hugs, carrots, etc. You will have the opportunity to mount a horse for a gentle, guided ride, accompanied by a horse handler, allowing you to experience the synchronistic flow of the horse’s gentle movements as they walk through the pasture. For this unique experience, you will mount the horse as usual, then place your chest against the horse, embracing them in a hug. As the handler walks the horse, you'll feel the soothing, rhythmic motions as you move together across the pasture. It’s truly an amazing experience!

4pm - Take It All In - Self Love and Gratitude

After this beautiful day and experience, take time to "Take It All In". Offer yourself self-love and gratitude for gifting yourself this moment of relaxation and rejuvenation. The farm, with its blend of nature, animals, and like-minded people, evokes a playfulness that reconnects us with our inner child—a place where time stands still, and the simple joys of petting an animal, watching flowers sway in the breeze, or hearing the quirky farm sounds become the priorities. As you reflect, remember that you can return to this feeling of peace and harmony anytime, any day, by simply taking a deep breath and sinking back into this serene space that lives within you.

What will be provided:

All Food will be Vegan & Gluten Free

A Farm Themed Lunch


Mushroom Tea


Yoga Mats

2 Gravity Chairs are Available

Paper Journal & Pen

Hello. I am Karen Jedele.

Welcome to Karen's Holistic!

Change and transformation create unforgettable and amazing life moments which happen when we enter a relaxation journey of internal peace, authenticity, quieting our minds and living in the present moment.

I'm so happy you are on this planet!

My Short Story

I started Karen's Holistic organically after living in San Diego for 13 years and moving back to my hometown of Antioch, IL. I was looking for sound baths that were frequently held and affordable to join. I attended them regularly in San Diego and instantly learned how effective they are at helping me relax. A sound bath is a healing experience that can't be replicated with a video or a recording. The in person vibrational healing from the beautiful instruments washing over the body is how the magic happens. I now perform sound baths in my studio and other locations nearby. I host sound baths, wellness retreats, wellness days, offer coaching, speak and educate on proactive holistic wellness. I represent product lines and offer an assortment of one-on-one and group services to assist in holistic wellness which I am excited to talk about at any time.

My Full Story - 3 Minutes of Reading Time - So grab a cup of tea and enjoy!

I’m so excited to share this journey with you!  

After 13 incredible years in San Diego, I moved back to my hometown of Antioch, IL with a powerful message buzzing inside me, "You are going home to heal."  

At first, I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but things quickly started to fall into place when I began searching for regularly scheduled sound baths—only to realize they didn’t exist here! "Wait... what?!" 

Sound baths had been my go-to for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care for years, and suddenly, they were nowhere to be found—my secret escape had just vanished!

But, not for long! I was on a mission to bring sound healing back into my life and to my community. I reached out, networked, and eventually found a woman a few towns over with sound bath instruments. Jackpot!

I began hosting sound baths right in my home, and to my delight, people started showing up! Seeing others light up with joy and healing filled me with energy and purpose.

Word spread quickly, and before I knew it, more and more people were joining in on the magic!  

Fueled by the growing excitement, I couldn’t resist—so I splurged on my own sound bath instruments and went all in! I bought tuning forks, a PEMF mat, massage table, started offering chakra balancing, and even started hosting monthly holistic wellness workshops at a local venue in the Village of Antioch.

People from all over were gathering, and it didn’t stop there! I launched weekly sessions blending stretching, balance, strengthening, sound baths, chakra balancing, and affirmations—a mind-body-spirit combo I absolutely love!  

In a town of 15,000—where 99% of people had never even heard of a sound bath—Karen’s Holistic was born, sparking a movement of healing and transformation.  

The response? Incredible!

I quickly realized that other communities might be in the same situation, and my love for travel fueled the vision of a sound bath tour. After reaching out to a few places, my theory was validated, and my heart was overflowing with gratitude.

This had to change pronto, and I was determined to make it happen!  

I always trust in divine guidance, asking, “Please put me where I’m supposed to be, and I will listen and I will follow.”

With momentum building, the divine nudged me in a big way—I was invited to join global sound healers at the 2024 Energy Healing Conference in Sandy, Utah, where we’d kick off the event with a massive sound bath for over 200 attendees! Naturally, my answer was a resounding YES!  

That experience boosted my confidence, confirmed I was on the right path, and set the stage for my first-ever sound bath tour.  

In July 2024, I completed my first tour, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive!

Now, I’m beyond excited to announce my 2025 sound bath tour is in the works and titled "Cover the World in Sound!"

My mission is to bring the healing power of sound to communities across the USA and beyond, especially to those that currently have no access.

The beauty of sound healing is that it benefits everyone—no matter your mood, health, or mindset. Just show up, be present, and let the healing begin!  

If you’d like to bring the magic of sound healing to your community, I’d love to connect and add you to my 2025 "Cover the World in Sound Tour".

Today, my amazing offerings have grown to include so much more!

Whether you’re looking for deep relaxation, personal growth, or thrilling new adventures, I got you!

I’m beyond excited to personally invite you to one of my in-person events! How about a wellness workshop, a rejuvenating sound bath, or maybe even a transformational retreat?

The best part? The virtual options let us connect and thrive together, no matter where you are! Jump into a 30-day health challenge, herbal cleanse, or some self-love and holistic wellness coaching...we all need it!

Up next, is a corporate sound therapy program for big businesses, bringing sound healing into the workplace to boost productivity and ease the stress between home and work life.

As I traveled back and forth multiple times between San Diego (specifically Encinitas, for those who know it) Antioch in my Gypsy Rig originally intended as a beachside office, which quickly turned into my adventure rig when the pandemic hit—a time I’m forever grateful for!

With each crisscross trip across the Western US, I made a point to take a different route. This allowed me to explore the breathtaking landscapes of the western US and discover incredible locations for hosting retreats.

These travels have inspired a curated list of ideal spots for those who, like me, seek transformation, a deep connection to nature, and a thirst for adventure.

In May of 2025, I’ll be hosting a “Self-Love with a Slice of Adventure” retreat at my favorite resort in Arizona—here’s a hint, it’s not in Sedona! If you’re interested, let’s connect!

Everything I do is designed to inspire and transformation us into the best version of ourselves!

If you’ve never experienced one of my live sound baths, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The magic of sound and vibrational healing is something that simply can’t be captured through a screen—it’s meant to be felt and experienced in person.

As a Sound and Vibrational Healer working with Singing Bowls, Tuning Forks, and Crystal Pyramids, plus a Chakra and Crystal Healer, Retreat Leader, Self-Love and Holistic Wellness Life Coach, Essential Oil Specialist, Clearing Limiting Belief Practitioner, and Level One Thai Massage graduate—I’m certified in making you feel amazing!

Let’s connect and create some magic together! I’m excited to help you unlock relaxation, rejuvenation, and inner peace.

Reach out when you’re ready to take that next powerful step toward your wellness goals!

Helping people is my #1 passion.

All My Love ~ Karen

Karen Jedele, Owner

Karen's Holistic

Cell 858-869-4431



Call, text or email with any questions!

See you soon!