Mix and Match

Create Your Custom Experience

Tuning Forks - Body Tension & Pain

The tuning forks Are applied

to the Body to melt away

tension and pain.

20-90 minute session

$2 per minute


Tuning Forks - chakra balancing

Full Chakra Balancing with affirmations - each tuning fork resonates at the frequency of our chakras. The Tuning fork is held over the chakra to bring the chakra to balance. This is one of my favorite treatments!

20 Minute Session

$2 per minute


Sound Baths

Group and Private Sessions

Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls, Rain Stick, Ocean Drum, Gong,

flutes, Rattles and Chimes.

60 Minutes Sound Bath + 30 +/- Minute Relaxation After

Session = 90 minutes total


Group Sound Bath

enjoy A Sound Bath

with other awesome people

in a group setting

Donation Based

$20-$40 per Person


Private Sound Bath

My Studio Accommodates

10 people Comfortably,

10+ gets cozy

$20-$40 per Person

3-10 Attendees, 10+ gets cozy


PEMF Plus Healing Mat

Pulsed electro Magnetic Field, Far-Infrared Heat, Red Light Bio-

Photon, Negative Ions, and

Healing Stones - Heal the Entire body. The Mat replicates

the earths Healing frequency

Range - 3Hz to 64Hz.

*Pacemakers can enjoy all healing benefits except PEMF.

Included In all Tuning fork Treatments Free of Charge


PEMF Healing Mat Treatment

Standalone Treatment

Lay on the mat.

enjoy Earths healing Frequency.

The Far-Infrared heat and

PEMF Frequency are adjustable. Choose a single frequency or A rolling Mix ranging 3Hz to 64Hz. Temperatures ranging 50F-158F.

*Pacemakers can enjoy all mat healing benefits except PEMF.

20-90 Minutes

$1 per minute


InHarmony® Meditation Cushion

Vibro-Tactile and Vibro-Acoustic

Listening to and

feeling the vibrations

you arrive to Mediation in Seconds

Playlist Targets areas of Focus

20-60 minutes

$1 per minute


Solex AO Digital™ Body Scan

Amazing Informational technology

bring Awareness

To what is going on inside

the body energetically and emotionally. A playlist is created

by your own frequency

to listen to daily and

create healing - A Very Extensive report and Custom Playlist

will be emailed to you.

20 minutes

Remote or In-person

$2 per minute


Sportneer® Smart Scale

14 Body Measurements including Muscle Mass, Water, Protein, Fat, Bone Mass, Metabolic Age, etc.

Report will be emailed to you.

great Data!

20 Minutes

$1 Per Minute



Dynamic Neurofeedback

Brain Training Technology

15 Minute Set Up +

30 minute Session = 45 Minutes

$2 per minute


EMF detection and Monitoring

gain Awareness of high levels of EMF Radiation exposure

This service is Performed In

your Home or Office to

60 minutes

$2 per minute


meridian stretching Sequence

and Balance Poses

12 stretches - opening the major energy centers of the Body. I will guide you though the sequence and assist if needed. This is fun to do with a few friends.

20 minutes

$2 per minute


Lymph Node flow technique

Gently Open Lymph Areas

to Increase flow and

free Up blockages

20 Minutes

$2 per minute


Hand Massage

therapeutic Grade Essential Oil

Herbal healing oils

great add-on to Any service.

10-60 minutes

$2 per Minute


Clear Limiting Beliefs

12 Clearing techniques

Elevate your goals and

move past stuck energy.

20-90 minutes

Remote or In-person

$2 per minute


doTerra® Essential Oil

Healing Blends

Roller Bottle 5ml - $10

Roller Bottle 10ml - $20

Spray Bottle 2oz - $15

Single Oils - contact for Price


Food Sensitivity &

Nutrient Density Testing

Test, Don't guess.

answer the question...

What Does My body like.

I Supply the Test

in-person or by Mail. The test

is Completed by you,

mailed to the Certified lab,

results are provided via email in Approximately 12 days


In-Home Self Blood Test

96 Food Panel - $200

208 Food Panel - $300

Vitamin D Panel / Add-On - $110

Hair Analysis Test

400 Foods, 325 Non-Foods, 50 Nutrients & 50 metals - $200


Herbal Full Body Cleanse

Lower Bowel, Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney and Blood Stream.

I love this cleanse,

it targets so much and

you still eat clean real food.

Weight loss is a bonus.

6 week Cleanse Kit - $220

Liquid or Capsules

Cleanse Support is Available

Holistic Wellness Consultation

What are your Health Goals?

Remote or in-person

20-90 minutes

$2 per minute


Private Custom Events

Design Your Experience!

This can be all about you,

with family and friends Or Both.

I can host up to 10 people in my studio Comfortably,

10 Plus gets cozy.

pricing per Private event



Book your treatment minutes here,

we will customize your treatment upon arrival.

All payments are collected at the time of service,

cash is preferred.

First Time or Have Questions...

Book A Free 15-Minute Discovery Call.

Sound Baths are donation based; typical donations are $20-$40 per person. My studio hosts 10 people comfortably, 10 plus starts to get cozy but doable. The space will be prepared with yoga mats and blankets, so everyone is super comfy. 24 hours prior I will confirm the number of attendees, so the space is ready for everyone attending. Get ready to relax and rejuvenate.

Have a Question?

cONTACT ME AT 847-443-1340

located in Antioch, IL

attending events everywhere